Sunday, October 14, 2007

Installing an Anti-Short Bushing

Here's a handy guide to installing a plastic anti-short bushing (ie.Terminating AC & MC Cables). Of course, check with your local inspector first, but this shows an example from a cable manufacturer, with pictures, on page 22 of . There is also another one under Learning Center at If you have a better picture for us to post, leave a comment or a link on this blog post.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I use duct tape on them.

Anonymous said...

I wish we had more in each bag that are attached to the cable.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I know what you mean, if you go on a long run you run out. A short run is fine but you do need more in a bag or more bags attached.

Anonymous said...

What about all the do-it-yourselfers who don't know how to make the cuts properly. What's protecting the conductor? What happens if they cut into the conductor?